February 19, 2018

Don’t forget this coming Friday evening will be the first Friday Night Lights for the 2018 Alpha Open.  The Alpha Open is how we participate in the worldwide CF Open that begins this Thurs.  We will be talking a lot this coming week about how and why you should consider participating but just know it is a fun event to do with your fellow Alphaholics.  If you haven’t already signed up there will be a board at the gym for you to add your name and tshirt size.  The coaches will answer any questions you have this week so don’t be afraid to ask.

Warm Up:
Squat Prep
6 Strict Pullups
:25 Goblet Squat Hold
8 EB Thrusters
5 Back Squat (Build)

Back Squat
Level 1: 3RM
Level 2: 1RM
Let’s see some PR’s!

5min ARMAP
Cluster (135/95)

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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