December 23, 2020

WOD:“12 Days of Christmas” 1: Manmaker 2: Devil Press 3: DB Cleans (2DBs) 4: DB Thrusters 5: SA Press (Alt. arms each rd) 6: Box Jumps 7: DB Snatch (Alt. arms each rd) 8: Mt Climbers (1,1,2,2…) 9: Situps 10: Double Unders/ Tuck Jumps 11: Goblet Squats 12: Burpees

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September 5, 2020

DecathlonEvent 1 (Warm Up): Row TargetsEach athlete rows 3 times to try to get as close to the target as possible. 3 different lengths. Event 2: 21-15-9 Wall Ball/BF Sit Up Event 3: 10:00 to find 1RM Cluster, 3 attempts Event 4: Pick Your Path, Max Deadhang or Max Plank. All start together – last…

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