January 23, 2017
Update: This coming Friday we’re hosting Rising Six CrossFit for a joint gym workout. Â The event will begin at 6:30pm and go until we’re done. Â We will pick up teams and then hit a few WODs. Â This is meant to be a fun event, very similar to Friday Night Lights during the Open, and will accommodate all skill levels. Â This is an opportunity to meet other members of the Pittsburgh CrossFit community in a fun, welcoming environment. Â I think it would be great to have as many Alphaholics as possible to welcome Rising Six and join them in the WODs on Friday night. Â Hope to see you there.
Warm Up:
Squat Prep
10 Scap Depressions
8 DB Thrusters
4 Athletic Burpees
4 BB Back Squat (Build)
Level 1: 3 x 5 (+5)
Level 2: 5 x 2 @ 95%
7min EMOM
5 Thruster (135/95)
5 Burpee Over Bar