November 5, 2019
Warm Up:
Run/Row/Bike/DU before Whiteboard
5x (with PVC) 4-Position Snatch Complex
(Building each set)
3×5 Barbell Snatch Grip Shrugs (moderate)
3×5 Barbell Snatch Pull (moderate)
3×5 Barbell Snatch Lift Off (should be heavier than your snatch all 3 sets)
Strength: Power Snatch
Level 1: Technique
Level 2: 5×4 Touch and Go (build)
12min EMOM
Min 1: 4 T&G Snatch @ 75% AND Max Cal AB
Min 2: Rest
Warm Up:
Run/Row/Bike/DU before Whiteboard
EMOM 9:00
1) 8-10/leg DB Snap Skips
2) 6-8 (R) arm DB OH Stand to Tall Kneeling
3) 6-8 (L) arm DB OH Stand to Tall Kneeling
600m Run
20 Devil Press
60 Cal AB
20 Devil Press
60 Cal Row
20 Devil Press
Close grip bench heavy 5 then MR @ 80%
Arnold Press 4×12
Decline bench 4×10
Zottman curls 4×15
Trunk: 100 bicycle crunch