December 26, 2019

There is no 6AM class today. The gym will open at 12PM (Noon) and have a regular schedule for the remainder of the day.


Warm Up:
Run/Row/Bike/DU before Whiteboard
3 rds (10:00 time cap)
5 Jefferson Curls
:30 Superman
10 Turkish Sit Ups (double arm DB, KB or barbell)
10/leg Jane Fonda sidelying leg lift

Partner WOD:
:45 on :15 off
3,000m Row
Rest 4min
100 Burpees
*Minimum 5 burpees each set*
Rest 4min
5 Devil Press
10/10 Mt. Climbers
**Alternate rounds**


Warm Up:
Run/Row/Bike/DU before Whiteboard
3 rds (10:00 time cap)
5 Jefferson Curls
:30 Superman
10 Turkish Sit Ups (double arm DB, KB or barbell)
10/leg Jane Fonda sidelying leg lift

Partner WOD:
:45 on :15 off
3,000m Row
Rest 4min
100 Burpees
*Minimum 5 burpees each set*
Rest 4min
5 Devil Press
10/10 Mt. Climbers
**Alternate rounds**

Push Jerks 5×5
Superset 4x:
a) Split Squat 4×10/10
b) Concentration Curl 4×10/10
DB RDL to Shrug 4×12
Arnold Press 4×15

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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