February 14, 2020
Warm Up:
Warm Up Your Chipper Movements
Buy In: 25 Cals AB
Pick 1 of the CrossFit Chippers to complete on your own
Cash Out: 25 Cals AB
Warm Up:
Coach Led Mobility
Each Partner Warms Up Their Chipper Movements
Choose Your Own Adventure:
Valentine’s Day Partner WOD:
Buy In: 50/35 Cals AB while partner holds plank
Partner 1:
50 Box Jumps (24/20)
50 KBS – American (AHAP)
50 Situps
50 Deadlifts (155/115)
50 Burpees
Partner 2:
50 Pullups
50 OH Lunges (45/25)
50 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Double Unders (Lateral Hops)
Cash Out: 50/35 Cals AB while partner holds plank
*For the chippers one partner may work at a time. Athletes start at the tops of their respective lists and work their ways down. Partners must complete the 50 reps of each movement before either partner may continue to their next movement. No mixing and matching movements is allowed – once a partner starts a movement they must perform all 50 repetitions.*
Valentine’s Day Flex:
3 Rounds
10/10 Alternating Pushups with Clap
20/20 Back-to-Back Russian Twist Medball passes (10R+10L each)
1/1, 2/2, 3/3… 8/8 Alternating Barbell Buddy Curls