June 6, 2020


  1. One partner does the hold (A) while the other does the movement (B). Work at same time.
  2. Partner one stays on the hold station for each of the three one minute stations in the three minute round. Partner 2 stays on the movement station for each of the same three one minute stations in the three minute round.
  3. Once the three minute round is completed partner one and partner two switch places so partner two is doing the holds and partner one is doing the movements for each one minute station.
  4. Score is the total number of repetitions (Push-Ups, Jumping Squats, and Hollow Rocks) completed with partners’ scores combined.

Partner WOD:
18 Minute AMRAP
6 Rounds of:
1 minute A-Plank Hold / B-Push-Ups
1 minute A-Wall Sit Hold / B-Jumping Squats
1 minute A-Handstand Hold / B-Hollow Rocks

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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