September 3, 2020

Did You Learn Anything?

I saw an IG post yesterday that posed an intriguing question: list 5 ways your life has improved since COVID?  At first glance many people aren’t even going to see how their life is better which I believe is simply a matter of perspective.  Even so this black swan event did provide plenty of opportunities, and way less distractions, for those looking to make the best of a shitty situation.  So back to the original question, how is your life better?

Being completely aware that every person has their own unique situation somebody DEFINITELY had it worse than you.  It pays to know that and maintain perspective.  As S&C coach Joey Guarascio puts it: “Somebody took that same situation you been complaining about and won with itâ€.  Yes, somebody with less (insert anything here) got to work and made it happen. 

So did you take the opportunity COVID lockdown provided and improve?  Did you get to reading those books you keep talking about?  Did you spend more time with your family or other human beings and less time on social media?  Did you double down on your fitness and health, you know the things that actually help you fight COVID. 

Here’s the point: we were given an unprecedented opportunity to reevaluate our life.  We were provided the ultimate “out†for all things that didn’t fulfill us while simultaneously giving us the time to focus on the stuff we always wanted to pursue.  Even if you didn’t capitalize then it’s not too late.  Life isn’t “back to normal†yet so I suggest you get moving.  Take those steps to get your health and fitness in line.  Build time into your life now that will fulfill your soul and not just your bank account. Go win with whatever you have at your disposal. 

We’re hear when you’re ready.       

1000m Row
20 Clusters (95/65)
100 Double Unders
500m Row
10 Clusters
50 Double Unders
250m Row
5 Clusters
25 Double Unders

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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