February 21, 2014

Great job today, every single one of you.  Days like today make me very happy about how far we’ve come as a gym in just a few short months and excited for the what the future holds.  Today I saw a whole bunch of people squatting and pressing with ever improving form, supporting their fellow member and moving weights that they thought were impossible just a few months ago.  We have such a bright future I think I’m going to go out and buy me a pair of sunglasses.  Keep showing up, keep focusing on technique, keep having fun and keep kicking ass!

In case anybody missed it go to our FB page for video of Carrie, aka CK, doing her first unassisted pullups (yes multiple reps) on her first try.  Nicely done young lady.


DL 5RM (+10)


One Minute On, One Minute Off

30 KB Swings (Heavy)

You have 1 minute to complete 30 KB swings.  Perform this workout 1 minute on, 1 minute off for 10 total minutes.

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Tony Fusaro


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