April 11, 2020

1. Grab a partner and use technology to get connected (unless you’re in the same place).
2. Equipment:
a.) Broom stick/PVC/Tree Branch/Shovel Handle/etc.
b.) DB/KB/Weight/Odd Object
c.) Something for box jumps or step ups
3. Work is chipper style, but reps can be broken up any way.
4. One person works while the other rests. If going solo, split the reps in half (~15) and rest as needed.
5. Your score is the number of rounds and reps.

Partner WOD:
31 Minute AMRAP
31 Burpees
31 Double-Unders/2:1 Singles/Lateral Hops/Quick Feet
31 Broom Stick/PVC/Stick/etc. Overhead Squats
31 Push-Ups
31 Box Jumps (24/20)/Step Ups/Tuck Jumps
31 DB/KB/Weight/Odd Object Single Arm Hang Power Cleans
31 Air Squats
31 Russian KB/DB/Weight/Odd Object Swings
31 KB/DB/Weight/Odd Object SA Push Press
31 Sit-Ups
31 Lateral Skiers (to any height)*
31 Weighted Squats (DB/KB/Weight/Odd Object)

*Lateral Skiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaeVlGIMVvg

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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