April 25, 2020

1. Grab a partner and get in touch via technology
2. Equipment:
a. Box or something to jump/step up on
b. DB/KB/Odd Object
c. Jump Rope
3. Partners work simultaneously – Partner A completes 8 Minute AMRAP A, Partner B completes 8 Minute AMRAP B.
4. Rest two minutes after the 8 Minute AMRAPs and then switch – Partner A completes 8 Minute AMRAP B, Partner B completes 8 Minute AMRAP A
5. If going solo, complete one AMRAP, rest 2 minutes and then complete the other other AMRAP.
6. Score is total number of rounds and reps.

Partner WOD:
Parnter A:
8 Minute AMRAP
8 Box Jumps or Step-ups
4/4 Manmakers with Pushup
8/8 Lateral Skiers
Partner B:
8 Minute AMRAP
8 Wall Walks (or 8 inch worms with pushups)
4/4 Single Arm DB/KB/Odd Object Thruster
16 Double Unders (2:1 Jacks/Singles, 1:1 Penguin) Rest 2 Minutes

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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