May 9, 2020

1. Grab a partner and set up a time to get together using technology
2. Equipment:
a. Dumbbell, KB, or odd object
b. Wallball, KB, dumbbell, or odd object
3. RX is chipper style – complete all reps of one movement before starting another. If you don’t want to do it chipper style, that is fine, but make sure you do all the reps
4. Split the reps however you and you’re partner would like. If you’re going solo, cut the reps in half (38 for each movement, but the run doesn’t change).
5. Your score is your time.

Partner WOD:
For Time (with a Partner)
76 Air Squats
76 Dumbbell Push Presses (2×50/30)
76 Sit-Ups
76 Wall Ball Shots or goblet squats (20/14)
76 Burpees
76 Med Ball Twists (20/14)
76 Push-Ups
76 Russian KB Swings (53/35)
76 Dumbbell/KB Thrusters (2×50/30)
400 meter Run with Partner (OPTIONAL)

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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