April 3, 2020

Remember, tomorrow’s WOD is a partner WOD that is designed so it can be performed virtually through technology (Google Hangout, Skype, Zoom, FaceTime, etc.) or with a significant other, who lives in the same dwelling as you. It will be up to you to and your partner to schedule a time and select which communication tool to use for the partner WOD. Instructions for the WOD will be posted along with the workout itself.

Go grab a partner and get ready for some camaraderie!

Warm Up:
Chubb’s Sequence
Shoulder DROM

15 Min Clock
5×8/8 Seated DB/KB or Odd Object Strict Press
5×8/8 Bulgarian Split Squat

“Four Bennies”
100 Mountain Climbers (R+L=1)
100 KB Swings Russian
100 Glute Bridges
100 Double Unders (Jumping Jacks 2:1)
*split however*

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Alpha Athletics Crossfit 412

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