Posts by Tony Fusaro
August 10, 2017
Don’t forget Alpha Happy Hour tomorrow Cornerstone Restaurant in Aspinwall. Â Join us for some drinks and laughs outside of the gym. Â Festivities start when you get there! CrossFit: Warm Up: Chubbs Sequence 3rds :20 N2W HS Hold 5 Russian Babymakers + 10 Air Squats 10 Kips/Kipping Practice Skill/Strength: Pistols & HSPU Level 1: Use time…
Read MoreAugust 9, 2017
CrossFit: Warm Up: Shoulder DROM 7min WAMRAP 10/10 Single Arm Press 10 Ball Slams 4 Broad Jumps Strength: Strict Press Level 1: 3 x 5 (+5) Level 2: Heavy 1 – work to a quality single WOD: 20min EMOM Min 1: 50 Keg Carry Min 2: 20 UB KBS – American Min 3: 5 Box…
Read MoreAugust 8, 2017
CrossFit: Warm Up: Chubbs Sequence 2rds PA Clean Warmup 10 Kips/Kipping Practice 3 position Squat Clean (Build) 100m Jog Hero WOD: “Badger” 3rds 30 Squat Cleans (95/65) 30 Pullups 800m Run BodyFit: 127 Warm Up: 3rds 10 Scap Depressions 15 KBS – American 100m Jog Skill: Hang Clean WOD: For Time 800m Run – 40…
Read MoreAugust 7, 2017
This coming Friday we will hold our August Happy Hour at Cornerstone Restaurant in Aspinwall. Â If you are free Friday evening join and spend some time with your fellow Alpha members outside of the gym. Â Party starts when you get there, we’ll be down following evening classes. Warm Up: Chubbs Sequence Ankle Circuit 3rds 20…
Read MoreAugust 4, 2017
Warmup: 3rds 1:00 Deadbug 10 Ring Rows 10 KB Good Mornings 10-8-6 Deadlifts (Build) Strength: Deadlift Level 1: 1 x 5 (+10) Level 2: 5 RM *This is a test – Go get a PR! Choose Your Own Adventure: A) Flex Friday: 3 Rounds 10 Bicep curl to Arnold Press Max Rep Straight arm Push…
Read MoreAugust 3, 2017
CrossFit Warmup: 5rds of “Cindy” Partner WOD: “Oyster and Sand” 1 Mile Run 50 Wallballs 50 Pullups 50 Burpees Calorie AB (100/75) 50 Burpees 50 Pullups 50 Wallballs 1 Mile Run *Partners alternate 400m runs *Work must be split 50/50 BodyFit 126: Warm Up: 5rds of “Cindy” Partner WOD: “Oyster and Sand” 1 Mile Run…
Read MoreAugust 2, 2017
Warmup: 3rds PA Clean Warmup 10 True Pushups 2/2 Knee Hug Lunge Step Strength: Bench Press Level 1: 3 x 5 (+5) Level 2: 3RM – Go get a PR! *Compare to 2.22.17 WOD: “MAXED OUT” 5 Min AMRAP 400 m Run Max Clean and Jerk (95/35) 5 Min AMRAP 400 m Run Max Step…
Read MoreAugust 1, 2017
CrossFit: Warmup: Shoulder DROM 3rds Crab Walk – down & back 10/10 Single Arm Press 50m Shuttle (fast jog) Strength: Strict Press Level 1: 3 x 5 (+5) Level 2: 5 x 2 (Build) WOD: Death by  15 M Sprint BodyFit 125 Trunk: 3rds 10/10 Banded Rotations 10/10 Standing Teapots Triathlon 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Row Cal…
Read MoreJuly 31, 2017
A couple testers this week! Let’s see if we’re stronger! Warmup: 3rds Wall Stretch :10 Superfriend + 4 FS (Build) 10 Scap Depressions 3 position Hang Clean (Build) Strength: Front Squat Level 1: 3 x 5 (+5) Level 2: 3 RM This is a test – go get a PR! WOD: “Pool Boy” 5 min…
Read MoreJuly 28, 2017
Warmup: Rack Mobility 2rds PA Clean Warmup 4 Athletic Burpees Then 3 position Hang Clean x 3 (Build) Strength: All Levels: Hang Clean 8 min EMOM 2 Reps at same weight as 07/13/2017 WOD: “Daily Double” 7 min AMRAP 7 Box Jumps (20/14) 7 Burpees 7 Power Cleans (115/85)
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