Archive for July 2019
July 18, 2019
CrossFit Warm Up:10min WAMRAP :30 Goblet Squat Hold 5/5 Reverse Lunge to High Knee10 Scap Progression 10/10 MB2T Strength:Superset4 x 5/5 Barbell Walking Lunge5 Strict Pull-ups WOD:10 Minute AMRAP5/5 KB Goblet Step-up4, 8, 12… T2B*Increase number of T2B by 4 reps each round BodyFit 337 Warm Up:8min WAMRAP 200m Run or 250m Row 10 Kips…
Read MoreJuly 17, 2019
Warm Up:Overhead Prep3rds8/8 Single Arm DB Press (Build)6 Strict No Jump Burpees 12 KBS – American (Build) Strength: Landmine Press10 – 8 – 6 – 4*Add weight each set Partner WOD:18 Minute AMRAPAccumulate 100 BurpeesPartner 1: BurpeesPartner 2: Ball Slams *Partners work simultaneously, rotating movements on the minute until 100 Burpees are complete*Into 50 Devils…
Read MoreJuly 16, 2019
CrossFit Warm Up:3rds:45 Deadbug20 Double Unders :20 HS Hold 8 Deadlifts 4 High Box Jumps WOD: “Nutts”For Time10 Handstand Push-Ups15 Deadlifts (250/175 lb)25 Box Jumps (30/24 in)50 Pull-Ups100 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)200 Double-Unders400 meter Run (with 45/35 lb plate) BodyFit 336 Warm Up: 3rds:45 Deadbug20 Double Unders :20 HS Hold 8 Deadlifts 4 High…
Read MoreJuly 15, 2019
Warm Up:Squat Prep3rds:10 Superfriend into 4 Front Squats (Build) 5/5 Pillar with arm reach 5 Strict Pullups Strength: Front SquatLevel 1: 3 x 5 (+5lbs)Level 2: 8 Minute EMOM, 3 Front Squats*From the Floor**Heavier than 7.8.2019 WOD: “Bitter AF”For Time50 Cal AB50 Cal Row500m Run*Work may be completed in any order but cannot be broken…
Read MoreJuly 12, 2019
Warm Up:Rack MobilityPA Clean Warmup x 2——————Split Jerk Footwork——————3-position Clean + 3 Jerks (Build) Strength: Clean and JerkLevel 1: TechniqueLevel 2: Find a Heavy 2 WOD:10 Minute AMRAP10 Power Cleans (115/85)10 Jerks10 Clean and Jerk*Add 20lbs/10lbs each round Flex Sesh: 4rds12 DB Shrugs (Build)8 DB Curl to Press (Build)Then 3rdsShoulder Superset (Bent Over Flys –…
Read MoreJuly 11, 2019
CrossFit Warm Up:Heat Yo Meat3rds10 Kips / Kipping Practice:20 HS Hold / 10 DB OH Press (Light)5 Strict No Jump Burpees15 Air SquatsHip Mobility Skill: Pistol Progression WOD: “Schmalls”800m Run2rds50 Burpees40 Pull-ups30 Pistols (15/15)20 American KBS (53/35)10 HSPU800m Run*Compare to 7.18.2019* BodyFit 335 Same as CrossFit
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Warm Up:Deadbugs 3 x :45 on / :45 off3rds8 DB RDL (Heavy)8 Bent Over Rows (Build)Deadlifts :10 AB Sprint Strength: DeadliftLevel 1: 1 x 5 (+10lbs)Level 2: 1 Every :30 for 9 Minutes*Heavier than 6.26.19* Partner WOD:8 Minute AMRAPMax Cal AB*Rotate every :30
Read MoreJuly 9, 2019
Crossfit Warm Up:Overhead Prep3rds8 Scap Progression8 Hang Power Snatch (Build)8/8 MB2T4 High Box Jumps Strength:Pullup Test WOD:14 – 12 – 10 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 2Hang Power Snatch (95/65)T2BBox Jump (24/20) BodyFit 334Warm Up:8min WAMRAP 5/5 Knee Hug Walking Lunge 5/5 ML Press 5 Bupree Walkups5/5 Single Arm Press 5 High Box…
Read MoreJuly 8, 2019
Warm Up:Squat Prep 3rds20 Double Unders / Practice5 Tempo Goblet Squat (:03 down :03 hold)10 EB Thrusters –> 5 Clusters (Build) Strength: Front SquatLevel 1: 3 x 5 (+5)Level 2: 8 Minute EMOM, 3 Reps from the floor*Use weight from 6.17.2019 WOD: “Light Tower” Every 2:00 x 5 15 Thrusters (95/65) 30 Double Unders (3:1)*Compare…
Read MoreJuly 5, 2019
Warm Up:PA Clean Warmup x 2Split Jerk Footwork EB Pullunders x 2 3 position Squat Clean + 3 Jerks (Build) Strength: Clean and JerkLevel 1: TechniqueLevel 2: Find a Heavy 3 WOD:In 1 Minute10/7 Cal ABMR Power Cleans (135/95)*Accumulate 50 Reps
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